Friday 27 September 2013

final examination mode activated

Wish me luck for final exam..ngee
CONTACTS: wechat/follow ig/fb : fatinnurfadzila

Tuesday 1 January 2013

BYE-BYE 2012,

        Promise to b more matured as u taught me during our time together b4..:') Our memory taught me lots about to deal with other people...I've broken up with people,starting new life with new ones; to cry, to laugh, to smile, to be mad, to face everything in life in positive way...

With a new hope, new determination, vision and mission,expectation, i welcome 2013 replacing 2012 officially (like what??)..

Wednesday 26 December 2012

CONGRATS, bro! :'D

NOT that im boasting..But, brother made it to get straight A's. I admit it that he's smart enuff to succeed with flying colours.

HEHE..this 'ketat' face did'nt mean's just dy da bngang xperia ray ny cari pasal ngan dy mase nk snap2..HOHO

That night, our family celebrated the joy 2gether:)
*dunno where gone other members' pic


I'm glad that my old friends still remember me:') thanx guys.. so i went out meeting them..doing all pleasent things together..

yes, this is what we did right after arriving our destination..ladies..HAHA

What?at least xmasuk drain kan..THEE~

WHILE waiting for my turn..ngeee~

WITH my friend + exclassmate.. 8)

WELL, for the finishing of the day.:D